Saturday, January 4, 2014


Shoes – Would you play basketball with your golf shoes? Would you play tennis with your soccer shoes? Having the proper gear can make a huge difference in the way we participate in any sport or leisure activity; dancing salsa is the same. Investing in a pair of dance shoes can boost our confidence level, allow us to better execute certain move pattern and spins. Also protecting our investment with a shoe bag shows a certain level of commitment and may even get us few dances.
Clothes – Dancing Salsa can be very physically demanding at times. It recommended dressing in layers or bringing extra cloth as the dancing gets hotter and hotter. By dressing in layer, the bottom layers absorb most of the seating while the upper layers provide a comfortable feel and appealing look. Those of us who sweat excessively, it is recommended to invest in a dance towel (for gentlemen) or a dance hand fan (for ladies). Try not to drip your sweat on your partner, lol. If you do, simply apologize for it and clean yourself at the very first opportunity.
Cooling down – Most dancers use slow Salsa, Bachata or any other type of son they don’t feel like dancing to cool down. This is a perfect moment to either network with other dancers, use the restroom, fix your appearance, catch your breath, stretch, take pictures and more.
Understanding the music - When dancing salsa, you will realize that some songs have a more distinctive or recognizable beat, while others require more attention to distinguish the beat. You will also recognize there are different up and down tempo within every song. The better we become at recognizing the different Salsa beats and tempo variations, the more fun we will have dancing; the more fun we have dancing, the more likely our partner will in turn enjoy dancing with us. To learn more about Salsa musicality we recommend attending a timing and musicality specialty workshop.
Eye contact – Many novice and season dancers often fail to maintain a descent visual contact with their partner. Having a descent eye contact does not mean staring at your partner; it means having an acceptable visual contact enough to read your partners visual communication. This becomes really important for example in establishing that psychological connection with our partner, which opens up the doors for a more relax and enjoyable dance. In addition, keeping a good eye contact helps with spotting while executing multiple spins.
Leading and following – Dancing Salsa is a team effort, which requires each partner to fulfill their individual roles. Gentlemen are leaders and Ladies are followers. Whenever these roles are not respected and for example the gentlemen are not leading properly, this encourages the ladies to take charge and start leading the dance; this causes the gentlemen to be purposeless and psychologically beaten. When leading and following it is important to respect each other’s privacy. Over leading, forcing, styling and spinning can hinder a good dance.
For more dance tips and articles, please visit!blogger-feed/c13ta

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